30 Rock

Tina Fey
Liz Lemon
Award Category
Acceptance Transcript
Oh... Thank you, to all the members of the Screen Actors Guild. It is such an honor to be nominated among these amazing ladies: America, Christina, Mary Louise – break a leg tonight on Broadway – Tracey Ullman, I had your album memorized and I will listen to it on a giant Walkman, every day. I am an amazing huge fan of yours.
I want to thank my daughter, Alice, for being the funniest person in my family; for coining phrases like, “I want to go to there.” And—[laughter]—and sometimes just putting on pretend makeup in the mirror. And she’ll turn to me and say, “I look like Barack Obama.” [laughter] She has somehow gotten it in her head that it’s a good thing to resemble a famous politician. I don’t know where she got that idea. [laughter] But it kind of is a little stroke of luck if it happens.
And I want to thank Alice for her patience. And some day she’ll be old enough to watch “30 Rock” reruns on the Internet, and understand where mommy was going at 6 a.m. every day, for all that time. And she’ll look up at me and say, “What do you mean you don’t get residuals for this?” [laughter]
I love you, Alice. Take care of me when I’m old and broke! Thank you. [applause]
I want to thank my daughter, Alice, for being the funniest person in my family; for coining phrases like, “I want to go to there.” And—[laughter]—and sometimes just putting on pretend makeup in the mirror. And she’ll turn to me and say, “I look like Barack Obama.” [laughter] She has somehow gotten it in her head that it’s a good thing to resemble a famous politician. I don’t know where she got that idea. [laughter] But it kind of is a little stroke of luck if it happens.
And I want to thank Alice for her patience. And some day she’ll be old enough to watch “30 Rock” reruns on the Internet, and understand where mommy was going at 6 a.m. every day, for all that time. And she’ll look up at me and say, “What do you mean you don’t get residuals for this?” [laughter]
I love you, Alice. Take care of me when I’m old and broke! Thank you. [applause]
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