Submitted by cwhite on Wed, 06/30/2010 - 10:27
Meryl Streep
Sister Aloysius Beauvier
Acceptance Transcript
Thank you, everybody. Shh! Well, I didn’t even buy a dress! [laughter] I’m really, really, really shocked! And even though awards mean nothing to me anymore…[laughter]…I’m really happy... [applause continue] [laughs] Okay.

I want to thank, oh, so many people. Miramax, Daniel Battsek, and especially Scott Rudin, who just goes out of his way to find interesting things for everybody to do, especially the girls. And, oh, can I just say, there is no such thing as the best
actress. You know? There is no such thing as the “greatest living actress.” I am in a position where I have secret information, you know, that I know this to be true. [laughter] I am so in awe of the work of the women this year, nominated, not nominated. [applause] So proud of us girls. [applause] [cheers] And everybody wins when we get parts like this.

Thank you to John Patrick Shanley for writing this amazing piece. [applause] Thank you to Philip Seymour Hoffman, who is... [applause]…who is just the most fun to work with, and the most – he sets such a great example to all of us, of how to live your work with integrity and imagination, every time, every time out. Thank you to the glorious Amy Adams, so funny, [applause] so real. The gigantically gifted Viola Davis. My God! Somebody give her a movie! [applause]
Wow. I’m sure I’ve forgotten everybody. Joseph Foster, all the kids, Helen Stenborg, Alice Drummond, all the cast. Thank you to the Sisters of Charity. Thank you, Sister Peggy. Big hug to everybody there; your love and your work is so inspiring – was so inspiring to all of us. Okay, I’ve got to get off, but thank you so much, I really do appreciate this. Thank you, actors. [applause] Love you. Love you. [applause]
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